Love & Support

Although "Kids Mini Mart" is a business organization, we also serve a noble purpose. Our organization always stands by the side of special children and sympathizes with them. We know that if we want to build a better world, we need to extend our helping hand to these special children. Because they are still neglected in many parts of the world. So, as per the capacity of our organization, we are helping and collaborating with "Autism Discussion" which is a non-profitable organization, which helps neglected special children in various fields. We also believe that those in this world who have the capacity will lend a helping hand to these special children. Our small contribution can put a smile on the faces of these children.

Vision of Autism Discussion

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Autism is a neurodiversity that should be recognized and respected. Our vision is to discover and celebrate their differences and find a place in society alongside families that value their differences. Moreover, we are here to make life easier for children with autism and ADHD, to ensure the well-being of their parents and caregivers. Finally, we encourage parents and caregivers to focus on this journey, because every child's brain is wired differently and we cannot change our children but we must change our environment to suit the child; Finding success on their own terms while minimizing their challenges. Indeed, our mission is to inspire thinking "outside the box" and to see the beauty and value of brain differences. 

All are welcome

Children in Need